
Let me introduce my name Astrid Asmarani
IMPORTANT ... STIFORP product is the vehicle will drive any business you get into achieving amazing results

पूजा रमजान


Now on the full moon of godsend. Time to hold anger, restrain the appetite and drinking, the passing of worship should be further improved and made the worship that will lead us to keep a good and perfect religion
Ramadan, the month of blessing, the day of Qur'aan, month of forgiveness, compassion, prayer, repentance, patience, and the liberation from the fires of hell. Ramadan will arrive shortly. In his eagerly awaited by the Muslims. All Muslims in the world to greet him with happiness.  As the Messenger of Ramadan with great joy because of Ramadan have a privilege of the other months.
in our heart says,

My god.. ya Allah
I Ask for forgiveness
for my mistake

For my sins . . .

I'm not ruling
I'm only human
Which could not be separated from human error

I commit my life to You Ya allah 

Allah please forgive me
I beg really beg to You
Show me your ways

Please forgive me
If I'm guilty
Please forgive me
If I have a lot of sins

All of that is not only in spoken but it would be nice if we didn't just during the month of Ramadan. That the Muslims are right, stay away from violence give softness to every human being because we are all just a sinful man
I still saw violence in this world. I want to see the peace that makes us all smile and without resentment.
Sometimes I like to have a lot of brothers&sisters then fulfill my house and love and affection. Though God has always taught on Rasullulah to do good. don't be such a bad thing we reply with the bad too. if there is something that makes us feel upset to hear retaliate with a prayer that Allah who determines in reality. Certainly better that way ,isn't ?

Because with such a world there would be no war this makes the human heart became full of dirty revenge and retaliation.
And let's discuss about what we need when the time Ramadan to Eid mubarak. is financial, for what we actually need it, thats true. when we were not in town or away from our parents certainly will be home to the parents bowed to apologize to them. Money we needed and very necessary. I would invite you to make the money continues to flow to you, and make your financial future. 



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